Mar 2, 2008

Bring on the rain..

Got my birthday present today from Jer - two 55-gallon rain barrels!!! They are big and ugly but will be extremely useful during the drought. now it just needs to rain.

Getting excited for my birthday dinner tomorrow night (I'm SO glad I married an amazing chef!)....for those of you interested - jer's playing a little "iron man hef" - he has three main ingredients - rack of lamb, local collard greens and local sweet potatoes.

Here is a picture of Rex - he's such a show cat!

And here is pic of Fern (sure hope she's not allergic to cats!)


Nikoli said...

Happy Birthday! Have a great day!

Kate said...

Happy Birthday Selina!
Yikes, it never occurred to me that Fern might be allergic to cats! I hope she isn't because he is pretty darn cute.

Beth said...

did you put the barrels out yesterday in time for the rain? i heard we had 2 inches.

Happy late bday!