Oct 3, 2007

Don't you dare Mr. Berger...

There is currently political unrest within Guatemala. The outgoing Guatemalan administration intends to shut down Intercountry adoptions.

UNICEF is dangling several millions of $$ in front of outgoing Guatemalan President Berger. He gets the money, if Guatemala gets "Hague compliant", which will effectively shut down adoptions. Berger announced on 09/26/07 that ALL CASES, including the pipeline (5000 cases) would NOT be grandfathered in after January 1st 2008.

HOLY SHIT...yes, excuse my language..but I think its called for. (and for those of you that understand abbreviations...WTF!)

Click on this website with some preliminary information. We are reading to see what needs to be done...be forewarned that we WILL be calling upon you all to help by calling your local senator, faxing the US Embassy, etc.

We will post more SOON.

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