Jul 1, 2008

Skater girls

So last night I was sitting on my front steps, drinking a beer and talking with my mom on the phone. Two girls probably about 10 years old walk up and they're both holding skateboards. They're gesturing to me and pointing at the house next door, I get off the phone and go out to talk to them. They asked me about the neighbors, they're supposed to feed their dogs but aren't sure if they're home or not. I told them they were and they could just knock on the door, meanwhile eyeing the sad excuse for a deck that one of them is holding.

"Let me see that...." I asked

"My dad found it in the woods" she told me, although she didn't really have to say it, it was pretty obvious.

The board was hand cut out of a piece of some kind of trash wood, but it did have some Venture truckes on it and what looked to be some late 80's Santa Cruz wheels. the other one had a Wal Mart board, not great but in far better condition and a perfect starter board.

"Hold on just a minute" I told them, and ran into the house and down to the basement, i grabbed an old board off the wall (I retire my old decks to the basement walls) it was used, but not abused, after checking it for warps I ran back upstairs.

"Here you go, you need a new board" I told her.

"Really I can have this???"

"Yup, sure can, do you guys know we're getting a skatepark here, a big one, all concrete"

Their eyes got as big as saucers, they hadn't heard about the park, they were stoked. I went on to tell them that i was really glad they were into skating, and that the skating world needs more girl skaters out there, but that they might want to try skating in something besides flip flops.

"Should we be wearing helmets?" Wal Mart board girl asked

"Yeah thats probably a good idea, you need to ask your folks for some helmets"

"We will, we really like skating"

"So do I girls, so do I."

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ahem. It's skater grrrls, not skater girls.