Jun 17, 2008

Daycare sucks....

both Fern and I have had some good cries over the past few days! I feel SO guilty leaving her for 40 hrs a week. She started full time at daycare last Thursday. The last two mornings she wouldn't eat breakfast cause she was upset and she still has not taken a nap at daycare. Needless to say, she's been a bit cranky at night!

I know each day will get better for both of us and it is going to take some time for her to get adjusted to the new routine and environment.

Oh..and I realized Monday morning sitting at my desk at work all bummed and depressed...that stupid me miscalculated my weeks off and came back to work a week early. DOH! Well, now I have more vacation time for the rest of the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck with daycare!!!