Jan 4, 2008

One step forward...five steps backwards

Fern update for you all. Sorry, its a little long-winded - every now and then you just gotta do a "brain dump" and get it out so it doesn't drive you crazy.

New laws in Guatemala took effect Jan 1. No one knows where that leaves us - but at least they agreed to grandfather in the existing cases (that's one step forward). Guatemala now has to set up a new Central Authority to oversee all adoptions - no idea how long that will take. And to top it off - they are right in the middle of transitioning in the newly elected administration. So the folks on the way out don't care about our situation and the new gov't coming in will surely require time to get "settled in" (that's five steps backwards).

This coming Monday Fern will be 8 months and we will have officially been back in PGN for 4 weeks. Although, those 4 weeks don't really count since half of the Guatemalan Gov't was on holiday!
We also learned today that the PGN is not accepting any new cases or resubmits until the new Central Authority has been established. PHEW..that was close for us...our case was re-submitted to PGN on Dec 12. But..I have to admit I'm a little worried that the PGN is now going to kick-out all the remaining cases just to put us in limbo land...oh how fun!

We have finally begun working on Fern's room. Lots of prep work - there must be 15 layers of paint on the baseboards (you gotta love old houses). I can't wait to start painting it and making it look all girly!

Well - that's all for now. Enjoy your weekend.

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