Oct 28, 2007

So several times a week I check out one of the Guatemala forums to see what people are saying and how their cases are moving along through this brutal process. I've told myself over and over again that I can NOT compare our timeline to the timeline of other families. Every case is different and it also depends on whether Mr. Barrio (the reviewer at the PGN that let's paperwork sit on his desk for 8 weeks) is in a good mood that day!

Well..now that we are officially 4 weeks in PGN..I can't stop counting the days. I was doing such a great job of being patient during the first few months ..but now its killing me! Anyway, the deal with PGN is this - they will review your application within 8-11 weeks then at that time they will either give you the green light OR kick out your paperwork. We've seen many many families get kicked out for stupid paperwork issues.

Here are the timelines for two recent posts on the forum
One family entered PGN on 09/05/07 (we entered on 09/25/07) - and they got the green light from PGN on 10/25/07. That means it only took them a month and half to get through with no kick-outs. that's what I WANT!!!

Then this other family - they were in PGN for 10 weeks and then got kicked out. How depressing..

Sorry for the rambling. As you can probably tell - this is a roller coaster for the emotions and I hate roller coasters!

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