Oct 20, 2007

A lesson in patience

Boy..I can tell the next few months are going to require a lot of patience. It is my understanding that Pres. Booger (ok -his name is really Berger) has publicly stated that he will NOT grandfather in the pending cases - but that goes against current laws - so not really sure what he is going to be able to get away with before he is kicked out of office on Jan 14th.

Our agency has stated they are also temporarily suspending any new referrals due to the uncertainty in the coming months, whether or not Guatemala will be Hague compliant by Jan 1st, will they let us grandfather in the existing cases or will we have to start our paperwork all over again.

What does this all mean for us? Well, we don't know. Right now its one week at a time. So far we have been in PGN court for 3 weeks. We KNOW in our hearts that Fern was meant to be a part of our family and she WILL BE. It just may take a little longer than expected. I suppose that gives us a more time to sleep in on the weekends and watch lots of movies!

1 comment:

Jon said...

I've been watching the news on the net trying to keep up with the current stuff on this issue..... It will work out but I'm sure a little patience won't hurt.

Tell Jer I'll break something if I get a sk8board, I'm sure he'd agree!