Sep 21, 2007

more on the bath

Let me just tell ya, that the pictures don't even come close to describing the mayhem and madness that is taking apart a 50 year old bathroom. Charlie and Mike, I owe you guys more than a 12 pack, maybe I'll get you guys a keg, maybe a beer truck, maybe we should just go for a swim at a brewery.

Behind that tile, lays an absurd amount of concrete, plaster and grout, behind that is a wire mesh attached to the studs and all that happy cement and mud. Lovely, what big fun this is going to be. We were able to work in chunks, developing a method as we went, this is all unconquered terriority here so we kept discovering things along the way (i.e. the squirrel skeleton and the super ghetto wiring of my bathroom)

The floor tile had at least an inch and a half of the same stuff underneath, I really don't know how the house was supporting all this weight, oh yeah, our house has solid oak joists, old school baby, the only way to roll.

Things learned:
A squirrel cannot live in the space between the first and second floors, at least not for long.
Dust can permeate anything and everything.
My allergies really don't like dust, in fact it turns me into Captain Snot Rocket.
Smashing bathtubs with a sledgehammer can be pretty damn fun.

1 comment:

Kate said...

The house at 120 also had the same wire mesh lathe behind the shower tile and the inch and a half of mortar under the tile. I guess that is just the way things were done in the fifties!